Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to : Live with a Control freak

Meet my step-mom, Tina Edwards. She has been my step-mother since I was 2 years old. She is a mentally deformed psycho.

I was about to delete that all, and pretend that I was over it. As much of a drama king as that makes me look, I decided to keep it. If I continue to keep things like this that i feel like I HAVE to say, then eventually it's going to eat me up inside. I was always taught that if i had nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Some days, you just can't take it anymore. This is one of those days. I have no intention to bore you all with the boring story seeing as how #1: I'm really bad at telling stories #2: What's it going to do? Complaining about something may get the weight off of your chest, but the problem only becomes farther from being solved.

I'm just going to try and enjoy the rest of my day home alone (which wasn't what I intended to do, but thanks to "You know who", that won't be happening). I sometimes wonder, when I am in an argument with my parents, if I am just being too extreme. I say to myself "God I hate them; I just wish I lived somewhere else; I have the worst parents ever; etc.". You know how the routine goes. I mean, think about it. There are millions of children without parents at all (although sometimes I envy them). We should be grateful for what we have, which is something I really need to work on.

Thanks for listening in while I complained about my day, readers. I hope your Saturday becomes as relaxing as mine is about to. Love you all,


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